Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CP Doomsday 0

Ok well I was looking at comments and got a comment saying the blog background makes it hard to read the posts, lol sincemy posts are usually really long I took notice of this and changed it, if you guys still see the text hard to read then leave a comment! Ok back on topic, well in that same post, my Vice President, Penguin874 says the prequel should be CP Doomsday 0, I like this idea so I will probably call the prequel that, but before I make a prequel I need to finish the series, the next thing I will make is a different view of the 2012 Doomsday moment, it will be in the eye of an average person, this person will strongly resemble the main character in 2012 (yes, I HAD to see this movie as mine is very close lol) he will possibly have kids but not sure about him much, but anyway, he will play a strong role in Part 5 and will possibly lead to a Part 6, considering this year I will be quitting, don't worry, it will be in like October. CP Doomsday could go on forever, but since it can, I might make this the only series I do until I quit, probably not since this will be done at 6 more then likely, after 6 will be a prequel of it explaining how it started, which will either be about like maybe the mayan time, the people that predicted 2012, ooooor it will be about a few weeks before the chaos in Part 1 started, where it becomes a very public thing.

Ok, COMPLETELY off topic but on here you may notice I have very little typos, long posts, and good grammar. I HATE grammar and writing in real life but when I post i'm bored and I plan for maybe a paragraph but it leads to a very, very, very long post. Also if you've met me on slack I use little typos and good grammar but I use a ton of shortcuts like wen and ya.

For the next series I make which I will make right before I do the prequel, IF I do a prequel, then I will do this video before it, it will be about the PSA finding a criminal. Yes, you know you're thinking it, "ugh guitar you usually have good original ideas, what do you expect from this?" Ok well, since this won't be out until April or late March I'm not worrying to much about it, but I think it'll but a good series, again, it can have a billion different endings that will drag it on forever, but it won't be your usual stupid video, it will be a good crime video. If you knew me when I first made this blog then you would have seen that my first contest I think was a murder mystery. My contests are always bad because I never have a good reward lol, so I make videos and long boring posts instead! So in the coming weeks expect Part 5, which I will start filming probably the week after next, maybe sooner, depends how bored I am.

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